I BELIEVE the more knowledgeable and successful our regional businesses are, the more competitive our region can be. And the more competitive the region is, the more stable all of our jobs are that make up the northwest PA communities.
On my business cards, it reads “Go ahead… Ask me ‘Why RED Day?‘” (You can skip to the bottom to read the short answer–or feel free to keep reading!) As noted elsewhere in this website, “RED” is the color that you pay attention to! Red flags. Red stop signals. Companies in the red. At time we even see red! If it’s something important that I don’t want to forget, I might even write it in red pen or circle it in red in my notebook…old ‘technology’ I know, but some of us still use such things! lol
So the name RED Day comes from both a professional and personal standpoint:
From the professional standpoint, RED Day is a reminder for business owners to PAY ATTENTION! Let me help you pay attention to your business, to your strengths and your challenges, your opportunities and action plans to thwart threats. Let me help you be more effective as a boss, an employer, and a person. Let me advise you on best practices for taking care of the people who work for you because if you treat them well, they’ll treat your customers well and will be loyal! Let me help you look for innovative ways to address the labor shortage that exists now (in 2023) and likely will exist for a long time.
And from a personal standpoint, in the new testament (KJV), red is the color of all the words Jesus spoke. So RED Day is also a reminder to me, personally, of why I have chosen this field of work. I have been extremely blessed in life and want to use my God-given talents and gifts to the best of my ability. As Pat Lencioni shares in The 6 Types of Working Genius training, the more we are aligned with our natural abilities at work, the happier and more productive we’ll be!
I’ve found pouring value into people extremely energizing and rewarding–both for me–and for my audiences. Why? It’s because I absolutely love speaking, training, coaching and consulting. I love meeting with people and learning about the organizations here and across the world. The truth is, we ALL have natural gifts and talents in our life. But it’s up to each of us to do our best to use those talents to make this world, our community, our families and our workplaces a better place. So on a personal level, RED Day is a reminder not to take for granted the gifts we’ve been given, nor The One who makes it all possible.
A long answer for sure… So in a snapshot, the meaning of “Why ‘RED Day’?” is two-fold…
1) So I always try my best to do WHAT I can to support my fellow business owners, and
2) So I never forget WHY I am doing it.
Blessings ~ from my family to yours!

Susan and Bob’s family picture – 2022